Attempt to place arrows, released from the bows, into the center of the targets
How to Administrate
- Three archers line up 20 feet away from the targets and next to three milk crates upside down, on the ground.
- Four arrows are allocated to each milk crate
- The supervisor will announce when it is safe to release arrows
- After all 12 arrows have been released, the supervisor will announce it is safe to retrieve arrows
- The supervisor will allow the next group of archers to approach the milk crates
How to Participate
- A participating archer will wait 10 feet behind the milk crates and wait for instructions from the supervisor
- A right-handed archer will hold the bow in their left hand with the taught bowstring near them
- While pointing the bow downwards and horizontally, the archer will knock the split, feathered end of an arrow on the string next to a brass ring or similar
- The tip of the arrow will rest on a shelf or rest above the hand
- When the arrow is secure, the archer will hold the arrow level while drawing the string towards themselves
- When a suitable aiming point is found while the bow is tensioned, the archer should release then adjust for future releases
- A bow should never be drawn and released without an arrow loaded
- A bow should never be aimed at anything other than the target designated by the supervisor
- After all allotted arrows have been released, wait for the supervisor to give permission to approach the targets and retrieve the arrows
- For a right-handed archer, use the left hand and place the embedded arrow between two fingers, with the right hand, grasp the shaft of the arrow as close to the target as possible, then pull the arrow from the target